• Sigma Foundation


    Support for Improvement of Governance and Monitoring Advancement Foundation
  • Sigma Foundation


    Support for Improvement of Governance and Monitoring Advancement Foundation
  • Sigma Foundation


    Support for Improvement of Governance and Monitoring Advancement Foundation
  • Sigma Foundation


    Support for Improvement of Governance and Monitoring Advancement Foundation

About us

SIGMA Foundation

is a ‘not for profit’ society. It was established in the year 2014 for serving the society in various ways with the initiative of Dr. M.N. Roy, the founder President of the society. It was decided to strengthen the activities for which the organization was registered under the West Bengal Society Registration Act in the year 2017 and was given the Registration No. S/M/ No. 5053 dated the 4th September of 2017-18. The head quarter of the organization is at Kolkata. It has office at Aurangabad (Maharashtra). It is capable of taking up projects in any state of the country.

- SIGMA Foundation

Our Services

Consultancy for project designing / implementation
Research for policy/strategy making
Third party evaluations including Baseline and Endline evaluations, Impact assessments, Situation Analyses and Social Cost Benefit Analysis
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Capacity building & Training


1. To sustain learning, enhance professional competence and maintain ethical standard to become one of the best organisations of the country for monitoring & evaluation in the field socio-economic development and environment management. 2. To be driven by latest knowledge & technology for implementing projects with excellence for enhancing well-being of the people. 3. To relentlessly work for the well-being of the people with equality and inclusiveness.


Improvement in governance of public institutions & social enterprise for sustainable transformation of society towards more equality and inclusiveness.


Our highly customized teams bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expertperspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake.

Water Sanitation & Hygiene, and Behaviour Change

SIGMA Foundation has implemented several projects involving drinking water supply management, monitoring performance of piped water supply scheme, planning for water safety and water [...]

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Child Rights

The team of SIGMA Foundation has the experience of working on the areas of Child Rights. It has undertaken study on Child Trafficking across 16 states of the country covering various [...]

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Public Health, Nutrition and Education

SIGMA Foundation has a dedicated team for conducting research and evaluation in the field of nutrition and public health, particularly for Maternal& Child Health (MCH) and communicable [...]

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Local Governance and Decentralized Planning

SIGMA Foundation has a well-versed team for providing consultancy in strengthening governance and strengthening institutional functioning, particularly at the local level, curriculum [...]

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Solid and Liquid Waste Management

SIGMA Foundation has gained good expertise in urban waste management including preparation of DPR, microplanning for segregation, collection and transportation of waste from households, [...]

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Environment & Climate Change

Environmental studies, particularly those related to impact of climate change and adaptation of practices for reducing adverse impact of the same has been the latest addition in the [...]

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Human Resources







Latest news

We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality. We engage all levels of an organization from day one.

SIGMA Foundation Conducted Landscape Study on Education, Skilling, and Employment of Young Women in Maharashtra

Dated: 11th March 2025 SIGMA Foundation has successfully conducted a comprehensive landscape study on the education, skilling, [...]

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Digambarpur GP takes resolution for developing resilience to climate change and working towards becoming a Net Zero Carbon Gram Panchayat with support of SIGMA Foundation

Dated: 7th February, 2025 Digambarpur Gram Panchayat (GP) is located in Patharpratima Block, South 24 Parganas in the [...]

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SIGMA Foundation Documents the Best Practices on Climate Resilient Urban WASH in Bhubaneswar and Jaipur

Dated 8th January, 2025 There are multiple factors behind poor management of climate resilient WASH services in urban [...]

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We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality. We engage all levels of an organization from day one.

WASH Specialist, UNICEF Field Office for Mumbai

UNICEF Field Office for Mumbai wishes to put on record its appreciation for the successful partnership with SIGMA Foundation, Kolkata for developing capacity towards concurrent monitoring and ssupportive hand holding to Government of Maharashtra to sustain ODF status of rural Maharashtra with identification of bottlenecks and developing enabling environment across twelve districts and twenty Census Towns through a project worth about Rs. 50.03 lakhs, which was implemented during the period from February 2018 to April 2019. Thc partnership supported addressing of major concerns for sustaining ODF on the ground as it enabled assessment of the progress under SBM(G) of the districts and blocks. SIGMA Foundation provided hand holding support which enabled decision makers to target poor performing geographies — a decision support system that has not been available. Such feedback enabled decision makers at State government level to target areas that needed attention. We found SIGMA Foundation to be a very competent organisation in the field of monitoring and evaluation in the WASH sector and conducting various field studies and thoroughly professional and dedicated towards its commitments. Their approach and overall performance has been more than satisfactory.

Hoffnungszeichen| Sign of Hope e.V.

Hoffnungszeichen| Sign of Hope e. V., wishes to put on record its appreciation for the successful association with SIGMA Foundation, Al-171, 1st Floor, Street No. 29, Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata 700156, India, for the final evaluation of the project "Climate Adaptation and resilience building on the Sundarban Islands (DC-INDI 8.01)”. This final evaluation is commissioned at the end of the project implementation under the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) budget for development projects run by private organisations. The target of the project is to conserve the Sundarbans' rich yet threatened natural resource base of flora and fauna and empower the climate vulnerable coastal communities of the Sundarbans through their transition to sustainable eco-friendly livelihoods. The assignment was completed within a constrained time of 20 days without compromising the quality of the output. We are very satisfied with the final product and happy to have assigned this task to SIGMA Foundation. In our opinion, the final deliverables were very well crafted and the effort was more than satisfactory. Thank you for the good work. Your commitment is much appreciated.

Chief Planning Officer, Tonk (Rajasthan)

This is to appreciate the dedicated service of SIGMA Foundationin providing Resource Person support to demonstrate a more effective GramPanchayat Development Planning (GPDP) process in two Gram Panchayatnamely Chandsen and Rajpura Gram Panchayat of Malpura Panchayat Samiti, Tonk District, Rajasthan. We are pleased to state that the assignment has been successfullycompleted within the agreed timeframe. The professional commitment anddedication of the team demonstrated during the execution are appreciated.

Executive Director, Catholic Relief Services

We wish to appreciate our association with the agency - the SIGMA Foundation, Kolkata, for the undertaking of a study to understand the overall landscape of vector-borne diseases in India, to research government programs and to identify key opportunities, and for the successful completion of the report titled “Landscape of Vector-borne Diseases in India” dated 30th October 2021. The aim of this report is to know about specific highly prevalent vector-borne diseases and identify high-burden states across India while also detailing government and donor priorities and gaps. The study and the report were completed by the SIGMA Foundation within the agreed timeline and the quality of the outputs received were excellent. The association was professionally managed, and their efforts were highly satisfactory. CRS India would like to thank the agency for their outstanding work and look forward to their report guiding our programming in the future.

Secretary, PECUC

We take this pleasure to appreciate our association with the agency – the SIGMA Foundation, Al 171, 1st Floor, Street No. — 29, New Town, Kolkata, for the successful undertaking of a study, "Rapid Assessment on Trafficking of Children for labour in Odisha and Telangana, to understand the situation of trafficking of children for labour force in Odisha and Telangana and also to find out the real-life challenges on the ground so that necessary action can be taken for the protection of children. The study and the report were completed by the SIGMA Foundation within the agreed timeline and the quality of the outputs received was excellent. The association was professionally managed, and their efforts were highly satisfactory. People's Cultural Centre (PECUC) thanks the agency for its outstanding work and looks forward to future collaboration. Thank you for your good work.

Our Skils

SIGMA Foundation has acquired formidable skill in all the fields covering its major activities.

Capacity building & Training

SIGMA Foundation is also highly experienced in conducting training need analysis, providing training in all the streams of activities in which it is engaged. Training is provided using mostly participatory mode for enhancing learning outcome with the help of training materials like case studies, video clips etc. It has a small training facility in Kolkata office where trainings are regularly conducted for small group. For larger groups, suitable training venue is hired for imparting training. Evaluation of livelihood interventions and related capacity building on which we have already taken up three projects.

Consultancy for project designing and implementation

We have a team of engineers covering civil, environmental, chemical and electronics and other professionals with capability if designing projects, preparing DPRs and implementation of projects. So far, we have done such works in the field of WASH including solid waste management, water and sanitation safety, rain water harvesting and ground water recharging. We have installed innovative pedal operated handwashing stations in several block offices of the state. We have also facilitated implementation of national flagship programmes like Jal Jeevan Mission, externally aided drinking water supply project and the Swachh Bharat Mission.

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Monitoring & Evaluation related activities of the organization is its core strength. It has good competence in conducting baseline & endline evaluation, project impact analysis and situation analysis using quantitative & qualitative tools and covering samples as high more than 14,000. The thematic areas on which M&E work can be taken up got expanded by including climate change, disaster management and geohydrology.It has also enhanced its capability of monitoring performance by designing a web-enabled system for monitoring performance of the Gram Panchayats for the state of Maharashtra, which has been pilot tested in Sholapur district. The team have also successfully used satellite image processing & interpretation techniques for measuring the change in land use, forest cover and surface water estimation.

Conducting third party evaluations including Baseline and Endline evaluations, Impact assessments and Situation Analyses

SIGMA Foundation has gained good competence in carrying out various types of evaluations such as (ii) endline evaluation of programme interventions to assess the outputs, outcome and impact as well as reporting comparative status from the baseline as per log frame indicators, (ii) research for working out and validate ‘Theory of Change’ and logical framework for optimum resource provisioning in designing projects, (iii) baseline study to assess the situation before programme intervention and formulating indicators for monitoring progress, (iv) situation analysis to help various decision support for course correction in programme design/management and (v) social cost benefit analysis. The team is well versed with techniques of quantitative and qualitative research and use appropriate statistical tools for data analysis. It has its own protocol for ensuring timely completion of assignments, quality control as well as maintaining ethical standards in field research. It is also conversant in using digital tools for data capturing, supervision and quality control.

Research for policy/strategy making

SIGMA Foundation has an experienced team of inhouse experts covering various branches of social science, earth science, bioscience, engineering, finance and other specialized disciplines. This helps to analyse the issues to be addressed from all the relevant aspects. We have supported clients in developing policies related to improving organizational efficiency (of a state government department) for better implementation of programmes, Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of water supply system, institutional strengthening of Panchayats, decentralized planning, child protection, public health and knowledge management. These assignments involved extensive research to assess the problems to be addressed, local context and the challenges to be overcome – both internal and external for the organization through appropriate policy formulation and development of strategy for implementing policy.

Our Governing Body

We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality. We engage all levels of an organization from day one.




Vice President



A message from our President

SIGMA Foundation started its journey in the year 2014 to serve the society as a self-financed social enterprise with voluntary effort. It became a “not for profit” registered society in the year 2017 to widen its scope of work in providing consultancy services, to conduct socio-economic research and to partner with other organizations for serving the people in various disciplines of socio-economic and natural resources development. A committed team of multidisciplinary professionals with long experiences have since joined the Foundation. The core area of expertise of the organization is embedded in its name, i.e., ‘Providing Support for Improving Governance and Monitoring Advancement’. This covers disciplines like (i) Monitoring & Evaluation of various programmes and projects, (ii) Application of ICT including mobile telephony and GIS in real time monitoring, (iii) Big data analysis, (iv) Improving delivery of services in sanitation, public health, nutrition and education, (v) Improving management of drinking water supply & water quality monitoring, (v) Ground water prospecting using remote sensing data for promoting water security, (vi) Improving governance, particularly at the local level, (vii) strengthening decentralization and participatory planning, (vii) Alleviation of poverty, promotion of livelihood and management of natural resources & environment etc. It is also very competent in building capacity, developing training materials and provide training in the said fields and providing IEC and BCC module preparation and monitoring support for various programme implementation. It has capability of taking up projects in the entire country as well as outside the country. So far, it has experience of working in states like Maharashtra, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Assam, Himachal, Bihar and Jharkhand.

Being a knowledge-based organization, it puts utmost effort in continuous learning and adoption of advance technologies for remaining in the forefront of knowledge, capability and competitiveness. Providing best quality services to its clients/partners, which ranges from various state governments, UN organizations, public sector agencies as well as Non-Government Organizations is a commitment of the organization. Maintaining ethics and integrity in all dealings are the core values cherished by every member of the team and as a group we are fully committed to work for the betterment of the society and its sustainability.

Our Footsteps

Contact our support guys or make appointment with our consultants

Please contact us using the information below. For additional information on our management consulting section.

  • AI-171, 1st Floor, Street No. 29, Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata-700156
  • +91 33 2324 2077 / +91 33 4007 6685
  • info@sigma.foundation