Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) is responsible for installation and maintenance of rural piped water supply schemes (RPWSS). After the 73rd Amendment of the Constitution and gradual empowerment of the Panchayats, the State Government had been considering to hand over the responsibility of O&M of the PWSSs to the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) or Gram Panchayats (GPs) which was so far responsible for installation and management of Tube Wells (TWs) only.

For this purpose, GoI has directed all the States to constitute one Village Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSCs) in each GP to function for promotion of water and sanitation, which has to function under general guidance and control of the GP concerned. Hence, Government of West Bengal has decided to hand over the responsibility of management, operation and maintenance of all the Piped Water Supply Schemes (PWSS) from PHED to Gram Panchayats/Village Water and Sanitation Committee (GPWSC/VWSC).
The survey in (i) Nadia and (ii) Hooghly districts of West Bengal, where a team of SIGMA Foundation has visited to capture the ground reality. The field survey in Nadia district commenced from 28.05.2018 and was over on 01.06.2018. The same has been conducted in Hooghly district from 04.06.2018 to 08.06.2018. The survey was very challenging since it includes monitoring of some technical parameters such as chlorination, water flow measurement of stand posts. Throughout the period of survey, researchers of SIGMA Foundation have been supported by PHED, West Bengal, UNICEF and Gram Panchayat members.
The various aspects of the survey conducted in the aforesaid regions are the following:
♦ Household Survey

♦ Water Flow Measurement of stand posts (At the source, Tail end and intermediate between the two)

♦ Residual Chlorine Test

♦ Visit to Pump House and discussion with Pump Operators, Valve Operators and Water Facilitators

♦ Discussion with GP officials