(i) To understand implicit and explicit gender biases that teachers and school leaders bring to the classroom and school. (ii) To observe and analyse gendered teaching practices in schools and their impact on girl’s learning experience (iii) To find out the child’s perception/experience of the gender unequal practices propagated by educators (iv) To know whether there is a difference between child’s perception and experience of discrimination against the gender unequal practices that the educators are propagating. (v) To recommend ways to mitigate gender discrimination practiced against girls and to help them enhance their school experience and participation.
Name of Partner:Room to Read India Trust
Start date:September, 2023
Completion date:August, 2024
Location:Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Telangana
Objectives of the Training Need Assessment (TNA) Study: 1) To Identify the knowledge gaps amongst Anganwadi Supervisors and Anganwadi workers around food and feeding practices that influence the mothers/caregivers regarding feeding their under two children. This shall also include their misconception, beliefs and practices of child feeding. 2) The study will provide an in-depth understanding of the skillsets of Supervisors and Anganwadi workers to deliver targeted counselling services for age-appropriate food and feeding practices. This shall focus their skills of weighing and communication capability with mothers/care givers. 3) The TNA study will also focus on assessing the attitudinal gaps in terms of home visit, Need of Counselling, and communication with mothers. 4) Map existing knowledge and skills of Anganwadi Supervisors to provide supervisory/ mentoring support to her Anganwadi workers. Objectives of the Baseline Study: 1) The study will provide an in-depth understanding on the distribution of malnutrition (Underweight, SAM & MAM) in children under 5 years and the weighing efficiency status. 2) To identify one hub in each district based on the highest frequency of malnourished children through secondary data analysis. 3) To understand household-level behaviour of caregivers in relation to food and feeding practices of children under two years.
Name of Partner:YouthInvest Foundation
Start date:March, 2023
Completion date:June, 2023
a. Operationalizing the GP monitoring system in one district
• To explore the possibility of electronic sharing of GP wise data from the existing MIS of different programmes implemented within the GP and if not, then ways to capture the data at the GP level after extracting the data from the MIS/ collecting the data from the service providers.
• To work out what data are to be captured locally for programmes/own activities of the GP taken up under GPDP and critical social sector services being delivered by the GPs, to feed the GP database as envisaged in the monitoring framework.
• To develop a GP database hosted in the GP computer keeping the connectivity issues in view and develop a roadmap for data to be uploaded in a state-level server to facilitate regular GP, block and district wise analysis and feedback proper supervision and guidance.
• To develop software to be installed in the GP offices to capture and compile data, aggregation of the block and district-wise data for appropriate analysis, ranking of GPs and guiding facilitation/interventions.
• To identify the capacity needs at all levels of governance in the use of the monitoring system and build the capacity of the GP level functionaries for effective monitoring.
b. Scoping study of databases (health, education and WCD) for assessing the feasibility of developing an integrated database for better social protection
• To take a stock of all the data which are collected in respect of Education, Health and Women and Child development through various programme MIS existing at the state level. To further delineate an optimal set of fields which could be useful for knowing the progress and coverage of schemes and programmes on the said fields for the GP and even individual level. Field analysis of databases linking to PRI level will be done in Kolhapur district.
• To identify the data structure and how the relevant data can be shared to populate an integrated data structure which will cover all the relevant dimensions of development in one platform for the state and down to panchayats.
• To understand the required data structure of the proposed unified database, which can be used for the analysis of status covering all the important aspects of development covering the fields mentioned before.
c. Rapid Assessment Survey in Maharashtra on Impact of Covid-19 on Households and Role of Gram Panchayats with reference to Access to Essential Services
• To assess the level of awareness of the relief measures that government has taken for tacking covid 19 pandemic
• Delivery of the relief measures as well as other services which are critical for the women and children
• Assess the role played by GPs to reduce the impact of the disease/imposed lockdown on the lives of people and their capacity for the same.
Name of Partner:UNICEF, Maharashtra
Start date:May, 2020
Completion date:Nov-21
1. To assess the present status of education level, vocational or skills training, employment and income generation among adolescents and youths and their family members in the project intervention area
2. To assess the knowledge level and access of SRHR and social protection schemes in the project intervention area
3. To understand the knowledge level of parents, community social groups and employers, in the project intervention area, about gender sensitive practices regarding education, employability and safety
4. To capture the perspective of the community on contributing factors to poverty and its consequences in adolescents’ and youths’ life and wellbeing and the impact of employability and income generation of adolescents and youths in their life and that of their family in the project intervention area
5. Provide recommendations to formulate the strategies for an integrated intervention leading to improved knowledge and practices of the target group and strengthening the project intervention
Name of Partner:Save the Children
Start date:January, 2021
Completion date:May, 2021
Location:West Bengal
1. To obtain reliable data about the current (initial) indicator figures – measuring the outcome and outputs in the project region and of the target group (3,000 households from 13 villages within the defined project region).
2. To check the indicators for complying with the SMART principles.
3. To refine the indicators where needed
4. To set up a clear methodology for their measurement. By that, the baseline study will lay the foundation for the mid-term evaluation and the end-term evaluation.
5. To inform the selection of project beneficiaries
6. To identify potential obstacles, risks and alternatives to overcome the foreseen challenges.
7. To support the project quality assurance measures implemented by SoH.
Name of Partner:Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V.
Start date:August, 2021
Completion date:February, 2022
Location:Sundarbans, West-Bengal
The overall objective of the project was to regenerate and protect the endangered flora and fauna of the Sundarbans in a sustainable manner, via reforestation and empowerment of the local population with regard to positive resource management strategies, thus contributing to the improved resilience of the target group in the face of natural disasters.
The specific objectives are:
(i) To evaluate the relevance and coherence of the project intervention.
(ii) To understand the achievements of the project with regard to its pre-determined objectives and also sustainability of the achievements.
(iii) To know the participation and ownership of the target group during the project intervention.
(iv) To identify strengths and weakness in terms of planning, management, implementation and monitoring.
(v) To know the overall impact of the intervention in the project area.
Name of Partner:Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V.
Start date:August, 2021
Completion date:September, 2021
Location:Sundarbans, West-Bengal
With the aim to understand the landscape of vector borne diseases in India better through a detailed desk review study, a desk review is to be undertaken with the following objectives:
• Explore the landscape of vector borne disease
• Understand government program and priorities, key gaps, competitive landscape, donor landscape, and donor priorities
Name of Partner:Catholic Relief Services-United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Start date:September, 2021
Completion date:October, 2021
The broad objectives of the proposed Situation Analysis (Baseline) study are:
(i) To assess an overall scenario of the children on move, especially related to education, nutrition care and WASH practices
(ii) To understand the accessibility and continuity of education in ICDS centers and schools of migrant children in brick kiln areas
(iii) To assess the current knowledge and practice of mothers/care-givers and service providers on the nutrition care and WASH practices for children
(iv) To understand the knowledge and capacity of the School Teachers and Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) on psychosocial support and well-being of children, School Safety protocols and WASH practices to be followed in emergency context including COVID 19
(v) To understand the status of service delivery of ICDS centres and its coverage with respect to immunization, health check-up, growth monitoring, referral services etc.
(vi) To assess the preparedness and awareness of government with regard to Safe Return of Children to School and ICDS Centres and identify the gaps to address those issues
Name of Partner:Save the Children
Start date:October, 2021
Completion date:March, 2022
Location:West Bengal
Save the Children aims at strengthening the quality of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in the age group 3-6 years in Khorda district of Odisha through multi-pronged intervention. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention following the OECD-DAC framework of evaluation. The evaluation will be based on both quantitative analytics and qualitative assessments juxtaposed by relevant case studies for further reference.
Name of Partner:Save the Children
Start date:Dec-21
Completion date:January, 2022
The specific objectives of the study are as follows:
a) Operational review of the existing malaria governance structure, role of stakeholders and policies to determine how the surveillance system can be strengthened
b) Evaluate and identify gaps in the surveillance guidelines, protocols, standard operating procedures, data collection tools and training materials to improve private sector participation, including possible regulation and trainings
c) Assess the patient pathways at rural and urban settings for Malaria diagnosis, treatment, and cure
d) Study best practices of private sector engagement and surveillance from other health programs
e) Review and explore the existing malaria digital tools for private sector reporting
f) Develop an engagement framework with the private sector by exploring various delivery models
Name of Partner:William J. Clinton Foundation
Start date:April, 2022
Completion date:Oct-21
Location:Telangana, Punjab, Chhattisgarh