Baseline survey on functioning of VWSCs and VHSNCs in Sagar and Patharpratima Block of South 24 Parganas


Conduct a baseline survey on Sagar and Pathar Pratima Block (23 GPs) of South 24 Parganas district

Name of Partner:

Naihati Prolife

Start date:

September, 2017

Completion date:

September, 2017


Sagar and Patharpratima Blocks of South 24 Parganas of West Bengal

Prepare four modules on the role and responsibility of VWSC, VHSNC and Water User Committees


Preparing four Modules on the role and responsibility of VWSC, VHSNC and Water User Committees on Sagar and Patharpratima Block (23 GPs) of South 24 Parganas district

Name of Partner:

Dimagambarpur Angikar

Start date:

September, 2017

Completion date:

September, 2017


South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India

Improve the capacities of monitoring and evaluation officials for better appreciation of MIS data and monitoring & improving Drinking Water Quality in Assam


Training of M&E officials of state and the districts:

 To improve understanding of the district/state MIS officials on different aspects of implementation of the Swachh Bharat Mission (G). These will include (i) Understanding of basic aspects of sanitation and various proximate factors which promote sanitation and hygiene and SDGs in the WASH sector, (ii) Advocacy, IEC and IPC for triggering the community in changing behavior & attitude towards adopting sanitary practices and creating required infrastructure, (iii) various aspects of implementation of SBM(G) and its progress in the state, the gap to be bridged for making the state ODF by the target date

 Fundamental principles of monitoring and how to strengthen monitoring – both quantitative and qualitative aspects of progress under SBM(G).

 ICT tools for monitoring SBM(G), management of data and analyzing the data for generating information to guide the programme implementation, spatial and disaggregated analyses and its visualization, decision support tools and feedback to the implementers based on analyses of the data.

 Physical verification and how to make field visits more effective in judging quality of implementation of the programme including usage of toilet & sustainability of ODF, sanitary facilities and practices in the public domain (institutions and public places) and validation of data being uploaded under IMIS.

 An understanding of water quality and its monitoring and related SDG goals.

Improving Drinking Water Quality In Assam:

 To analyze the water quality data for the districts of Nagaon and Kamrup twice in a year (pre-monsoon data analysis and post-monsoon data analysis) for assessing the trend and monitor the data uploading into IMIS.

 To visit the water testing laboratories in the two districts and the current status on quality of testing has to be reported.

 To develop a protocol for ‘Good Lab Practice Model (GLPM) for a flowless function of the water testing in the districts of Assam.

 To train the lab personnel(s) of the water testing labs to follow the approved protocols and it should be ensured that the good practices are being followed by the said laboratories.

Name of Partner:


Start date:

December, 2017

Completion date:

December, 2017



Developing Capacity Towards Concurrent Monitoring and Supportive Handholding to Govt. of Maharashtra to sustain ODF Status of Rural Maharashtra with Identification of Bottlenecks and Developing Enabling Environment


1. Providing support to WSSD, GOM to monitor progress of SBM(G) with Special focus on use of toilets and change in sanitary behaviour as well as critically looking into the issues of ODF sustainability in 12 districts and 20 Census Towns of Maharashtra. Some of the important aspects concerning OOF sustainability and related co-factors like access to and maintenance of pubic toilet facilities, faecal sludge management, SLRM status, augmentation and retrofitting challenges. access to water for use toilet, access to safe drinking water, 0&M of piped water supply schemes, priority for WASH sector in local planning like GPDP, incidence of water botne diseases like diarrhoea, etc. will be covered in the survey.

2. Capturing all these data keeping ODF sustainability in mind will require appropriate cnange in the existing Android application which will be provided.

3. Making changes in the existing software of the website displaying progress and trends of SBM(G) for uploading the analysed data every week in place of the current provision of monthly uploading. The same will be achieved through this proposal.

4. Analysis or the IMIS data at the end of every quarter and share the findings through Fact Sheets far taking appropriate corrective measures,

5. To come out with occasional papers after 3/4 months identifying the bottlenecks and possible ways of overcoming problems.

6. To develop a new module in the website for displaying the indicators of ODF-S.

Name of Partner:

UNICEF, Maharashtra

Start date:

February, 2018

Completion date:

April, 2019



Collecting Baseline Information, Conducting Post-Implementation Monitoring and water sample collection for water quality testing in Sheohar district (Bihar) & Sagar and Patharpratima Blocks of South 24 Parganas


A. Baseline Survey — for Sheohar only

1) To understand the current drinking water scenario — from where the people are collecting drinking water

2) Status of the water point from where they collect drinking water. This is in terms of functionality of the water point, water quality (based on the feedback cf the users), no. of people uses the water point etc

3) Perception of the people towards their water source — whether they are satisfied or not.

4) Type of source to be installed in the cornrnunity with support Of Charity Water

5) Accessibility — Whether all people have access to the water point or not

6) Distance — How long has to travel for the furthest household to collect water

7) Status of household sanitation in the community

8) Management of WASH Infrastructures

9) WASH facilities available in schools

B. Post-/rnplementation Monitoring (PIM) — both for Sheohar & West Bengal

1) To understand the impact of the investment that Charity Water made

2) To measure the functionality of the water points

3) To understand the users' perception about the water source which has been Supported by Charity Water

4) To understand Hygiene practice at the household level

5) To understand the usage of sanitary facilities

6) To measure WASH scenario at the school level

C. Water Sample Collection — both for Sheohar & West Bengal

1) Collection of water samples from the selected locations and send it to the water qtality testing labs to test E-Coli, PH, Conductivity, Arsenic & Fluoride

Name of Partner:

Water for People

Start date:

March, 2018

Completion date:

August, 2018


Sheohar district in Bihar and Sagar and Patharpratima blocks of South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal

Assessment of Management Practice and Functioning of the Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes Maintained by GP/VWSCs as well as PHED in the Districts of Nadia & Hooghly of West Bengal


The objective was to assess the management practices of the drinking water supply schemes handed over to the GPs and how the schemes were functioning.6 handed over schemes ( 2 in Hooghly and 4 in Nadia districts) supplying water in 11 GPs were studied along with study of 2 schemes managed by the PHED. A report was submitted to PHED.

Name of Partner:

PHED, Govt. of West Bengal

Start date:

March, 2018

Completion date:

September, 2018


Nadia and Hooghly of West Bengal

Strengthening Functioning of PHED, Govt. of Assam and Training of Lab professionals of District Water Testing Labs of Assam and hand holding 7 selected DLLs and the SRL to acquire capacity for getting accreditation from NABL


The objective was to study the functioning of PHED Assam to assess how it is performing in implementing National Rural Drinking Water Supply schemes in Assam and to find the systemic weaknesses a well as to recommend possible improvement. Another component of the project was to assess functioning of the Water QUality Testing Labs of Assam and build capacity of the selected labs.

Name of Partner:

WSSO (PHE Dept., Assam)

Start date:

March, 2018

Completion date:

June, 2018



Conducting baseline survey for ‘Clean and Safe Environment in Rajnagar Block of Birbhum district, West Bengal’


WASH in Facilities:

• WASH infrastructure and facilities (availability and condition) in all the government aided primary, upper primary, high, Anganwadi centre, tribal schools and ashramshalas

• Hygiene and sanitation practice and behaviors in communities and Facilities (Anganwadi centres, schools, ashram shalas/tribal schools, if any)

Sustained ODF in Communities:

• Community Level sanitation coverage and usage

• Current BCC activities at the school and community level — awareness and nature of activities

Synergies and Collaboration

• Collate secondary data from available sources (WASH in Facilities and Community sanitation)

• Documenting existing government schemes for collaboration and linking communities and school WASH program to the provisions and systems for operation and maintenance

• Role of other development partners in Birbhum and areas of collaboration to ensure efficiencies

Building Capacities of Local Institutions

• Existence, awareness of roles and responsibilities, functionality and engagement of local level institutions — panchayati raj institutions and its sub committees such as Village Water and Sanitation Committees, school level committees (School management committees, student based groups)

Name of Partner:

Water for People

Start date:

June, 2018

Completion date:

August, 2018


Rajnagar Block of Birbhum district (West Bengal)

Monitoring IEC activities across 5 states of India


 To review the state and district level (in 2 districts per state) IEC/BCC plans developed under SBM-G in 5 states (Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and West Bengal) along with implementation arrangement and the progress in implementation.

 To develop a monitoring framework for the IEC/BCC component of the SBM-G, which will include capturing data at the district level, enabling its analysis for assessing progress of implementation of the IEC/BCC plans.

 To study the status of access and usage of toilets and ODF sustainability in 2 districts – Malda district of West Bengal and Dungarpur district of Rajasthan.

Name of Partner:

UNICEF, India Country Office

Start date:

June, 2018

Completion date:

December, 2018


Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and West Bengal

Social and Behavlour Change Communication (SBCC) Capacity Strengthening for WASH Strengthen Human Resource capacity of Government in SBCC trainings delivery and monitoring for WASH program (PHED -SBM, KRCs) in Assam (Create Pool of SBCC WASH Master trainers from WASH focus districts of Assam)


The objective is to strengthen existing capacities of Human Resources in the Water and Sanitation sector with a focus on Government staff in Social and Behaviour Change Communication Skills (SBCC) to drive demand for toilet usage and create wide public participation resulting into social movement for ensuring ODF Assam.

Name of Partner:


Start date:

August, 2018

Completion date:

December, 2018

