Stakeholder Consultation, Training and Monitoring activities as part of the ODF Sustainability and ODF Plus Communication Strategy and Campaign being developed by JWT for UNICEF


The objective of the study was to develop a monitoring framework for behaviour change communication to make the areas Oped Defecation Free, which was prepared by the JWT. The indictors to be monitored, the means of verification and data collection and analysis of all communication activities were covered under the said monitoring framework.

Name of Partner:

JWT (Creative Unit of Hindustan Thompson Associates Pvt. Ltd.)

Start date:

October, 2018

Completion date:

March, 2019


West Bengal

Rural ODF sustainability strategy for West Bengal


Drafting a strategy for ODF sustainability for West Bengal

• Assessemnt of the existing status, enabling factors and the barriers to sustain ODF

• Recommend strategy for making the gains of ODF status sustainable

• Dissemination of the recommedations

Name of Partner:

UNICEF West Bengal

Start date:

November, 2018

Completion date:

July, 2019


West Bengal

Everyone Forever – Water Services and Systems Strengthening: Rajnagar and Khoyrasol Blocks of Birbhum District in West Bengal


Water and Sanitatim Services:

• Assessment Of Water infrastructure and facilities (availability and Condition) in all the government aided primary, primary, high, centre, and ashramshalas

• Asset analysis of Water points

• Water and sanitation facilities in anganwadi Centres and schools (drinking water, handwashing stations, toilets with running water facilities)

• Awareness for key behaviours such as safe water storage and handling. waste water management, home based water treatrnent and Handwashing at five critical times

Capacities of Local Institutions

• Existence, awareness of roles and responsibilities, functionality and engagement Of local level institutions — Panchayati raj institutions and its sub committees such as Village Water and Sanitation Committees, school level committees (School management committees, student based groups} in terms of Water and Sanitation management.

Synergies and Collaboration

• Review of available secondary data on WASH.

• Document the existing government schemes for collaboration and linking communities and school with safe water services to the provisions and systems for operation and mantenance

• Role of other development partners in Birbhum and areas of co Ila boratian to ensure efficiencies.

• Discussion with the local government departments (service authorities) on management, financing, and operations and maintenance of water and sanitation facilities

Name of Partner:

Water for People

Start date:

March, 2019

Completion date:

July, 2019


Rajnagar and Khoyrasol Blocks of Birbhum district (West Bengal)

Assigning a Technical person for preparation of plan, estimate of school and community toilet block in Assam and Kolkata under the ITC supported project


To support the 'junior technical officer' for preparation of plan and estimate, of 'one school' and three 'community toilets' in Kolkata and the estimates of two schools in Assam under the ITC supported ongoing project. The focus is on (i) improved access to quality WASH facilities (ii) improved hygiene promotion leading to behaviour change and reduced incidence to diseases and (iii) stakeholder ownership for operations and maintenance so that the gains are sustained by the communities and institutions.

Name of Partner:

Water for People India Trust and ITC Ltd

Start date:


Completion date:



Ward No. 133 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation and Sonai site 5, site 6 and Sickline site 8 in ward no 80

Assessment of the Status of ODF Sustained and IEC/SBCC Interventions in Chhattisgarh


To carry out a dip stick assessment of (i) the status of access and use of toilets in the houses and in village level institutions like the schools and Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) and identification of the gaps as well as to suggest possible interventions for sustaining ODF status (ii) SBCC/IEC activities done by state and UNICEF will be assessed and based on the need the second generation SBCC/IEC guidelines (content) will be put forward.

Name of Partner:

UNICEF, Chhattisgarh

Start date:


Completion date:




Preparation of a Manual for Operation & Maintenance for handed over PWSSs to the GPs for enabling them to maintain the schemes on their own and preparation of a draft guideline for smooth handing over of PWSSs to GP for transferring the O&M responsibilities, under WSSO, PHED, Govt. of West Bengal


a) Preparation a uniform O&M Manual for PWSS for enabling the GPs to maintain the PWSSs by their own as per scope and direction of EIC

b) Preparaton of a guideline for smooth handing over of the O&M responsibilities of the PWSSs and under WSSO, PHED, Govt of West Bengal as per scope and direction of EIC

Name of Partner:

PHED, Govt. of West Bengal

Start date:

May, 2019

Completion date:

August, 2019


West Bengal

West Bengal Drinking Water Sector Improvement Project (WBDWSIP) – Support enabling and skilling communities for sustainable O & M of services (Bankura district)


Capacity building of the GPs, Formation & strengthening VWSCs, Skilling workers & awareness generation of the ommunity for O&M of piped water supply system

• Preparation of a Community Action Plan for Participation (CAPP) & implementation of the Plan

• Preparation of Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) and its implementation

• Training of GP/ VWSC members, Men & Women engaged in O&M

• Training of plumber/fitter etc.

• Facilitation of establishing a Customer Care Centre in each GP

• Preparation of a Water & Sanitation Safety Plan (WSSP) for a GP and docuemnting Case Study

Name of Partner:

Public Health Engineering Department, Government of West Bengal, with support from the Asian Development Bank

Start date:

June, 2019

Completion date:

December, 2022


Bankura district of West Bengal

Design and Development of Android run mobile application and Dashboard for 2nd level ODF verification


The main purpose of the initiative is to capture data of the 2nd level of ODF verification across the entire state of Maharashtra and visualise the same on a dashboard in the form of downloadable reports in excel formats. The secondary objective is to improve the quality of survey as well as to capture data directly on an Android run device which will also help compilation of the findings over a longer period.

Name of Partner:

WSSO, Maharashtra

Start date:

July, 2019

Completion date:

August, 2019



Rollout of WASH communication strategy in Murshidabad


A pilot on improving communication for ODF sustainability was made and SIGMA Foundation performed the following tasks:

• Building capacity of those who were engaged for communication at the community level

• Monitoring of the activities in almost real-time using electronic technology

Name of Partner:

J. Walter Thompson

Start date:


Completion date:



West Bengal

Integrated Capacity Building in Aspirational Districts and VSTF Villages on Beyond ODF


i] To understand the structure in place for meeting the goals in either of the districts and what extra efforts are being made and how those are being made in order to put the districts (In case of the Aspirational districts) and the villages (in case of VSTF) in higher as well as the right growth path considering the issues of equity, inclusiveness and the specific context of the area. This will also require understanding of the processes, the performances and what actually works and in what conditions.

ii] Good cases will also be collected to analyse what are working and to understand what are replicable through what interventions. The cases of failures will also be analysed to assess what did not work and how to avoid the situation.

iii] The lessons learnt will be used to understand the required systemic/structural improvement and the building capacity of the system as well as the key functionaries so that there is both required systemic improvement as well as there is more capacity to deliver with more accountability and participation.

iv] While the earlier objectives are more on general understanding of the new approaches and how those could be strengthened, there will be also 3rd party concurrent monitoring of the status of ODF sustainability and implementation of ODF sustainability plan and the status of drinking water supply as an independent component. The proposed monitoring will be carried out over a period of next 12 months.

Name of Partner:

UNICEF, Maharashtra

Start date:

July, 2019

Completion date:

June, 2020

