An Assessment of Maharashtra VSTF Structure and Functioning with Focus on WASH and Required Capacity BUILDING
Contributed By: Dr. M. N. Roy, Dr. Sabari Bandyopadhyay, Debraj Bhattacharya, Mayuri Sen, Nagendra Dixit, Nachiket DeshpandeMaharashtra has established Village Social Transformation Foundation (VSTF) to carry on the interventions towards transformation of the villages towards integrated rural development focusing on localizing the SDGs. This organization is currently working in 855 villages across the state.
There was a need for capturing ground reality of the WASH status, the capacity gap in strengthening WASH in VSTF districts. UNICEF engaged SIGMA Foundation to carry out field level assessment of the structure of the proposed interventions to ensure desired transformation of the villages, the process of identification of the interventions, convergence with other sectors.
The report was submitted to UNICEF Maharashtra Field Office. The report brings out the key achievements of this unique initiatives. The issue of sustainability, convergence with other village level interventions and required strengthening of the interventions was presented in the report. There are specific recommendations which will help scaling up of the programme to cover more villages.