Baseline Survey Report on functioning of VWSCs and VHSNCs in West Bengal
Contributed By: Dr. M.N. Roy, Dr. Debasri Mukherjee, Ms. Debasree Bose, Er. Sohini TarafdarAccess to safe water and sanitation is critical for human development and is to be reached to every individual on a sustainable basis. These are important goals under SDG and India is committed for attaining the same. While there is need for putting in place appropriate policy and resources by the State and the Union government, there is also critical need for community actions in ensuring access to safe water and sanitation for all and forever. The local actions like installation of the facilities and their maintenance, sustenance of the services and developing appropriate attitude and practice by everyone have to be led by the Gram Panchayats, the rural local government in India. The community action is planned to be steered by the VWSCs and the VHSNCs, the former at the GP level and the latter at the Gram Sansad level, as have been prescribed by the government. Water For People has been working on promotion of WASH under a unique programme called ‘Everyone Forever’ in two Blocks of South 24 Parganas namely Pathar Pratima and Sagar(except Ghoramara GP) in partnership with a local organization named Naihati Prolife. They are in the process of developing appropriate strategy on how to support the said two Committees and to build their capacities so that they can play their roles properly in delivering WASH related services to everyone on a sustainable basis. A study was to be conducted for complete enumeration of the existence of the VWSCs and VHSNCs of the 23 GPs, which comprise the project area. The purpose was to capture information on the existence and the process of formation of the Committees, composition of the members and inclusiveness of different social groups and geographic area, understanding of the members about their roles and responsibilities, functioning of the Committees and challenges being faced etc. The study was also to have in depth understanding of the functioning of the said Committees, capacities of the members, the challenges they face in discharging their responsibilities and how the same could be overcome. The study was assigned to SIGMA Foundation, Kolkata. A detailed report was framed throwing a light upon the various sectors of the challenges and improvement of the Community organizations such as constitution of VHSNCs and participation of their members, improving institutional functioning of the same and improving interventions by the committee. Capacity building and IEC activities were also focused in the survey report. Various recommendations were made on the policy front to strengthen the community organizations.