Status of ODF Sustainability in the Nagar Panchayats of Maharashtra
Contributed By: Dr. M.N.Roy, Mrs. Mayuri Sen, Ms. Poulami Basu, Mr. Debojyoti Majumder, Ms. Nilanjana Mukherjee, Mr. N.B. Dixit, Mr. Chirag Patel, Ms. Sandhya SardarUrban Maharashtra has been declared ODF in October 2017 and the next challenge is to ensure sustainability of ODF status. There are still gaps in access to sanitation facilities and adoption of sanitary behaviour to avoid open defecation and those are to be bridged as fast as possible. Keeping this in mind, SIGMA Foundation with support of UNICEF Maharashtra State Office and the Maharashtra Urban Development Authority (MUDA) have been assessing the status of ODF and related factors through field survey to decide on ODF sustainability in 12 relatively backward districts of the state. The focus was on knowing the nature of access and usage of the sanitary facilities, both at the households and in the Nagar Panchayat level institutions and the barriers which existed in achieving a truly ODF community forever. The team members of SIGMA Foundation visit 3-4 districts every month so as to cover the selected 20 Nagar Panchayats of 12 districts nearly once in a quarter. Status of access to sanitation and evidences on use of those and presence of associated factors for ODF sustainability were captured from 8 NPs, selected at random from four districts and visiting at least 10 HHs selected at random and available schools in the NPs surveyed. 4 districts have been visited till the month of June 2018 during which 97 HHs, 3 Ashramshalas, 4 primary schools, 4 high schools, 2 NP offices, 1 health centre and 1 hospital were surveyed by the study team. The data captured has been analysed to assess the status of ODF and its sustainability, which have been presented in this report.