Our Project Reports

Strategy for ODF Sustainability & ODF Plus Activities in West Bengal

The approach of the strategy was to identify the specific objectives, assessment of the current status and the gaps, to check the legal framework and institutional arrangement, O&M of the facilities for continuous use and to also develop a sound M&E system

Report on Gender Aspects in Accessing WASH Services – A Study in 4 Blocks of Bankura District of West Bengal

Under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) assisted ‘West Bengal Drinking Water Sector Improvement Project (WBDWSIP)’, SIGMA Foundation has been engaged to help the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), Bankura to prepare and implement a detailed GESI

Report on Monitoring Performances of the In-Village Water Supply Schemes of Gujarat

Gujarat has more than 16,000 In-village water supply schemes (IVWSS) covering the entire state. SIGMA Foundation was assigned the task of developing a framework for monitoring of key performance parameters of the IVWSSs. The parameters to be monitored

Report on Assessment of In-Village Piped Water Supply System in Gujarat

WASMO desired to have a third-party assessment of the performance of the In-village water supply schemes of the State of Gujarat. UNICEF Gujarat State Office came forward to support the study and partnered with SIGMA Foundation, a ‘not for profit’

Report on Assessment of Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance (WQMS) in Water Testing Laboratories of Gujarat

The State of Gujarat has established one Central Lab, thirty-three District Labs and forty-nine Taluka Labs for testing water quality. The State Government is in the process of improving the water testing labs. The quality of performance of the labs

Report on Planning and Implementation of IEC/SBCC Activities in West Bengal

MDWS requested UNICEF India Country Office (ICO) to study the status of preparation and implementation of IEC/SBCC plans of different states for the year 2018-19. UNICEF ICO agreed to support such assessment in Rajasthan. UNICEF ICO partnered with

Report on Planning and Implementation of IEC/SBCC Activities in Rajasthan

MDWS requested UNICEF India Country Office (ICO) to study the status of preparation and implementation of IEC/SBCC plans of different states for the year 2018-19. UNICEF ICO agreed to support such assessment in Rajasthan. UNICEF ICO partnered with

Report on Planning and Implementation of IEC/SBCC Activities in Maharashtra

MDWS requested UNICEF India Country Office (ICO) to study the status of preparation and implementation of IEC/SBCC plans of different states for the year 2018-19. UNICEF ICO agreed to support such assessment in Maharashtra. UNICEF ICO partnered with

Report on Planning and Implementation of IEC/SBCC Activities in Madhya Pradesh

MDWS requested UNICEF India Country Office (ICO) to study the status of preparation and implementation of IEC/SBCC plans of different states for the year 2018-19. UNICEF ICO agreed to support such assessment in Madhya Pradesh. UNICEF ICO partnered

Report on Planning and Implementation of IEC/SBCC Activities in Assam

MDWS requested UNICEF India Country Office (ICO) to study the status of preparation and implementation of IEC/SBCC plans of different states for the year 2018-19. UNICEF ICO agreed to support such assessment in Assam. UNICEF ICO partnered with SIGMA